Here is the trailer as well...
"I think Avengers Assemble was a very good film because it was very well made, also hilarious and thrilling. My favourite character in the film was Iron Man because of his intelligence and the clever suit he was wearing. He was the one who destroyed the enemies who wanted to invade the world. My favourite part of the film is when the Avengers united to defeat Loki and the other enemies." By Michelle
"In my opinion, Avengers Assemble was a good film but at the start, it was a little bit slow. Later on it became really interesting and action-packed." By Bachi
"Avengers Assemble is a good film, because in these kind of films, there is usually one hero but in this film, they call many heroes to save the world. This movie was amazing, exciting and interesting. It also had some very funny parts. My favourite character in the movie was the Hulk, because he was very strong. He just used his body and he didn't need any other weapons." By Carlos
"Although start of 'Avengers Assemble' was a little bit slow, later on it became really interesting and exciting. The special effects were excellent!" By Sergio
"Avengers Assemble is an action-adventure and sci-fi film which has very funny moments. The best part of the film was when the Hulk was in action and also when Captain America told him to smash; the expression on his face was hilarious! I liked all the other super heroes in the film as well." By Brindha