Saturday, April 5, 2014

21st March World Poetry Day- EAL Students' poems

When I arrived, 
I felt splendid.
It smelt like a delicious food.
It was hot,
My cousins welcomed me,
They took me home.
Lahore was lovely,
I held a pot of golden honey.
There was a writing saying,

           Sahima- Year 7

When I arrived, I felt like gush of beauty,
When I arrived I smelled the fresh air,
When I arrived I felt 'gül' fragility.
When I arrived, I saw how everyone loves and is loved.
This place is called 'Gül Bahçesi' in Germany.
When I arrive next time, I will still feel the same.
Still feel the majestic place of my dreams,
As it seems, it just has been a dream.
The people, the garden...that feeling...
                                                                        It couldn't be real, oh no, wait!
                                                                                  It was, its name is 'Gül Bahçesi'.

                                                                           Güliz- Year 8 ( Gül Bahçesi- Rose Garden in Turkish)

When I arrived,
It felt comfy,
But quite scary.
It made me merry,
It smelled like honey,
And it was sunny.
I saw a tree,
That was poetry!

Ana- Year 8

21st March World Poetry Day

PLFC World Poetry Day Poetry Workshops

On World Poetry Day Bengali poet Shamim Azad visited our school. We organised three poetry workshops for students from year 7 to 11. Shamim was wonderful to engage all students in the magical world of poetry. Majority of the participants were EAL (English as an Additional Language) students.

You can find more information about Shamim from this website:

 Here are some photos from our workshops...