Monday, March 19, 2012

I am one of the survivors from Titanic! by Aisha

Dear dad,
I never imagine that Titanic would have such an impact in my life! I was in Titanic but thank God that I am still alive. I am alive but I think it would have been better if I died because it's killing me how the rest of the people screamed and asked for help. These screams are still in my mind. I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't help them. I don't know how I will live like this.
I can't remember a lot of things because everything went so fast! However, there is something I can't forget about is when I heard a loud noise and the ship moved. Then I heard that the ship was going down. At that moment I couldn't move, I couldn't react. I was shocked until a boy came to me. He held my hand and said:
" You need to go with the other women and children into the boats otherwise you will die." So, he took me to the deck where everybody was panicking to get into the boats. I realised that he couldn't come with me because he wasn't a child or a woman. I told him that I couldn't leave him but it was too late. I was put in one of the boats.
We started to sail away from the ship. We watched when Titanic sank into the ocean with all the others still inside it. I will never forget that boy who saved my life!

Lots of love

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