Thursday, June 7, 2012

PLFC Students' independent writing 2

Teenagers’ lives today
The life of teenagers today is very different than their parents’ teenage years. Today teenagers can’t live without technology. Everything they do is always related to technology.
When you get on a bus, you can see girls and boys on their phones talking for hours.   The only similar thing that some youngsters still do is reading books. I love reading books. When I read books they take me to other universes. I appreciate reading when I understand what the writer means.
Teenagers also still go to the movies with their friends to have fun. However mostly they prefer to talk on the Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites.
Nowadays when teenagers fall in love, they only love the appearance of the other person. They don’t care about their personality or sharing something in common. I think you should love a person not for their appearance but for something you find special within them.  
However, I think there are still sensible and interesting teenagers out there.

By Brindha


I am going to write about teenagers because I am one of them and it’s complicated to be a teenager.
Teenage years are between 12 and 21 which is a long time.  Everyone knows that a lot of things change and teenagers experience different things.
Firstly you have changes in your body and every new thing feels weird in the beginning until you get used to it.
However, I want to write about emotional changes such as behaviour and the way you get on with friends. For example, sometimes I ask myself why my mood changes so often… Then I realize that it doesn’t just happen to me. One minute you are in a perfect mood and then something little happens and it can make you feel like the world is crashing down on you.
In addition, all teenagers start thinking a lot about love and flirt with each other. They also like going parties and meeting new friends. They enjoy these parties so much that sometimes they don’t realise they can become addicted to drugs, alcohol etc. in these parties.  Youngsters should be very careful in these parties.
The thing is that the age is very important and during teenage years parents should be careful with their teenage children. We really feel things very strongly and it may cause some problems between us and our families.

By Aisha

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